GBTGT at Murrayshall

Murrayshall Get Back to Golf

“Get Back To Golf Tour”
at Murrayshall Golf Course

After a short break, I managed to organise a game in the Get Back to Golf Tour at Murrayshall Resort, Perth. With a PGA event there next month it was good to get a practice round having never played the course before. I was playing with two younger amateurs who were off scratch and it was nice to meet some new faces.


As we got going I quickly shared with Player A what LGMS stands for and the previous events we have organised. I had expected some questions about what I had explained but he simply nodded as I spoke and after we reached the 1st green he seemed content with my speil and left it there.
After a relatively quiet front 9 with some nice but blustery conditions, I engaged more with Player B, who just so happened to originally come from the southern hemisphere. He was a quiet lad but I simply asked him if he had faith and he confirmed that he believed in a higher power. His view was everything worked a little too well to be an accident and there had to be something more when we pass on. I agreed with his sentiment.

Back 9

As we played the rest of the back 9 through a very strong wind Player B would come up to me in between shots and we would discuss faith in general. He believed there was not necessarily a correct faith system but that we would all eventually find our way to where we needed to go after death. Almost a view where ‘All roads lead to heaven’. I countered with the argument that as a Christian I believe we cannot justify ourselves to God, and he doesn’t want us to try as we won’t succeed, but we should accept that we need God both in this life and the next.
I pointed to the mess the world is in just now which is more a result of humans not choosing the right paths, but God simply wants to help us if we let him. This made him think a little and as we finished our round I could sense his curiosity.

We all played ok but the wind on the back led to a few more bogeys than we’d have liked and played ourselves out of any placings. An enjoyable round on a nice course and a valuable practice game for next month.

Player A had to leave right away but Player B invited me into the clubhouse for a cold drink where we continued to discuss the problems of the world. He was very knowledgeable regarding the ecosystem and plans to study this in the years ahead.
We talked about everything from the Big Bang Theory to the Oceans being just as important as the Rainforests when it comes to CO2 absorption.
We concluded that when it comes to evolution this is simply a theory as they don’t really know, and it’s their best guess if you take God out of the equation.
The problem is when you take God out what are you truly left with? Not a lot!


A really positive end to the day and I think I’ve given my friend a few things to think about going forward. Please pray for more opportunities like this.

Yours in Christ,

Vincent Brown, Professional Golfer and Logos Golf Ministries Ambassador