Scottish Championship at West Kilbride

West Kilbride Golf Course

Scottish Championship at West Kilbride

I was really looking forward to the Scottish Championship at West Kilbride which is the main event on the Tartan Tour. It would however be one of my most trying events as a Professional.

I was paired with two younger Pros who were from the other side of the country and Player A represented Gleneagles while Player B was from Ladybank. After the first few holes, I got the chance to share with Player A my role within Logos and this also led to us chatting about both our families having experience providing foster care. He didn’t go much further with the faith aspect but we continued to chat about helping others who have not necessarily had the best start in life and how this can make a real difference in changing lives. I could tell he had a kind heart and despite not really wanting to go there, for now, he could do it in the future. 

As we reached the turn I realised I’d not missed a green but was 2 over due to the same amount of 3 putts. I felt really comfortable and was swinging well but had just overdone a couple of longer putts which resulted in the dropped shots. There wasn’t much chat during the rest of the round as sometimes happens as the game goes on. With 3 holes left, I was bitterly disappointed to have dropped another 5 shots, 3 of which were 3 putts. I had only missed two greens all day, missed one fairway and I was 7 over! I felt sick and was not angry but felt really hard done by. This had been the best I’d played for a while and had got nothing from it. As I finished the round, I counted 41 putts and felt as though I’d just been punched hard in the gut. The boys had finished a few over also but just wanted to get away so didn’t hang about. 

west kilbride
West Kilbride Golf Course

I went to the putting green and tried to make sense of the round but couldn’t quite work it out. I decided to change the putter for the next day and as I left, I bumped into one of my fellow Pros who I know well and we discussed the round. He said sometimes you get those rounds and there is nothing you can do, even if you feel you’re playing well. You just need to accept it and don’t change much, maybe the putter though!

On Day 2 we were in the same groups and I was hoping for a better day. The boys were pleasant enough again but they didn’t go any further with any conversations regarding the ministry. The start of our round didn’t help as Player A lost a ball on the 1st hole and I lost a ball on the 2nd. Both were not the result of poor shots but wicked bounces that possibly would be the result of a sprinkler. I wasn’t having much luck and as I stood on the 5th tee I was 4 over without hitting any really bad shots again. It was really disheartening and I felt everything was going against me no matter what I did. It was beautiful day weather wise and I decided I was going to try and enjoy the rest of the round with a smile, even though I was forcing it.

I tried to lighten the mood amongst the group and we had a few smiles while finishing in the baking sun but we were all disappointed not to have scored better. I didn’t hit as many greens as yesterday but still hit the ball decent during the back 9 and it was mainly the two 3 putts of the round that caused my latter dropped shots. 33 putts this time and although better, still not great. This was probably the best I’ve played to receive such a poor score over the 2 days.

 I do hope I catch up with the 2 lads again in the not-too-distant future and we can take our conversations further. At least the ice was broken with some new faces and it was nice to hear the name of Logos Golf Ministries Scotland announced over the microphone again for both days. Maybe someone who was listening will Google us!

When I got home I kept going over the two days and chatted to my wife about it. She said something interesting that I hadn’t thought about. She’s not a golfer and came at it from that point of view. She asked me these questions,

Do you feel you played well? – I answered, “Yes, but just didn’t putt well”

Do you feel you have improved? – I answered, “Yes, I feel I am playing and swinging better and close to playing really well but also still feel so far away”

Did you conduct yourself well – “Yes”

She then said this, “It sounds as though you are closer than you think and sometimes things seem darkest and most unfair just before the dawn. Keep going!”

Smart woman.

Yours In Christ,

Vincent Brown, Logos Golf Ministries Ambassador to the Tartan Tour