LGMS at Western Gailes

Logos Golf Ministries Scotland at Western Gailes

Logos Golf Ministries Scotland at Western Gailes

As I made the journey to the Ayrshire coast, I was aware of the weather warnings due to extreme winds. It’s a common theme when playing Western Gailes and I can’t remember the last time I played it calmly. The main concern was the event might not go ahead but on arrival, we were assured play would continue as normal.

Before play, I was able to catch up with a fellow Pro who I used to work with at Westerwood and who has also attended one of our Pro-Ams. A good player who has just recently changed jobs, and we chatted about family, friends and the issues we need to deal with these days. We both encouraged one another and as his new role is not far from me, I will make the effort to see him more often over a few holes or a coffee.

I was paired with a good friend who has always supported our Logos Events and is also one of the top lady golfers in the country. Early on in the round I got the chance to chat with the lady pro regarding my role and asked if she had faith. Over the past couple of years, she has been more open to the spiritual side of life and knows there is more than what we see in front of us. A good opening to future discussions should they arise and very encouraging. My other partner also asked how LGMS was progressing and he is genuinely interested in seeing us flourish, but the conditions we were playing under limited our conversation as the winds continued to strengthen. 

Logos Golf Ministries Scotland at Western Gailes
Logos Golf Ministries Scotland at Western Gailes

I do feel I’m swinging better and striking the ball better but this was not the best day for me to test my game, and I couldn’t get any consistency throughout the round as the winds were too strong for me. I don’t mind a stiff breeze but 40-50mph winds make the game almost unplayable for most of us. I wasn’t too bothered, to be honest, and knew the day was more about the people I encountered. I still enjoyed being out there despite the ‘no-win situation’ and sometimes we just have to get on with it regardless. A good test for temperament.

Between us all there was only one birdie made and after we finished it felt as though we’d all been put through the wringer. As we headed towards the clubhouse a decent lunch was required, and I think if we’d been allowed it would have been very easy to have a snooze afterwards. Before we left for home it was nice to catch up with a couple of other colleagues who were out in the game before us. We all agreed to try and catch up socially the following month and I’m keen to make this happen. It’s been something I’ve been thinking about for a while and could be a tipping point for a real breakthrough.

Although the golf was really tough it was great to have a number of meaningful conversations and continue building relationships. I just want to be there for anyone who needs it and I can see this happening more and more this year. 

We keep going and do what we can,

Vincent Brown, PGA Professional & Logos Golf Ministries Ambassador to the Tartan Tour