PGA Winter 4 Ball at Craigielaw


PGA Winter 4 Ball event at Craigielaw 2023

For my final event of this year, I was playing with one of my good friends in the PGA Winter 4 Ball event at Craigielaw. We’ve partnered up in a few of these over the years and was good to catch up in the car journey through. 

He has attended quite a few Logos Events in the past and knows our stance, although he does not usually ask too much about my faith. We did however manage an in-depth chat about the conflict in Israel and this gave me the opportunity to go a bit deeper into the history of the nation that seems to be at the centre of so much throughout history.
He seemed quite surprised when I mentioned God promising the land to Israel and this is the reason they will not compromise.
It’s funny how most people don’t really know the truth about why things are such a mess with these nations, but it seems to be the same with everything. The truth always seems to be distorted to suit a certain agenda and then nobody can see the wood for the trees. Reminds us of the beginning.

We were playing with two players I’d never met before and it took a while for us to strike up some conversation. It can be not easy on the course with blustery conditions but just before the turn, I was able to share a bit about my foster care work and LGMS. He was more interested in the care work and I got the message not to push any more about the ministry. At least he now knows what we do now, and possibly may remember this in the future.

Craigielaw PGA Winter 4Ball

I can’t remember a time when playing Craigielaw that we got it calm. It’s always been a bit cold with a strong east wind and we always seem to do okay till we get to the 12th and then the putts stop dropping. A couple of really short putts missed and when the momentum goes you don’t get it back. We really should have finished 2nd if we’d holed the 3-footers, but despite a birdie on the last, we were 5 shots off the lead.

I did manage to speak to one of the PGA officials, and when he asked how we were getting on with LGMS I was able to share the vision of going to meet guys 1 to 1 at their clubs. He thought that was an excellent idea for the off-season and I’d be more likely to get Pros available during that period, whether it was just a coffee or a few holes.
Something to really pray about as this requires the time and means to do so, but I trust God will make a way if it’s been placed in my heart, and welcome the opportunity knowing what can come of it.

As another season comes to a close there have been many ups and downs and life seems even more uncertain these days than before. It may seem as though we are wasting our time doing what we do but I am a great believer in perseverance and the scriptures have often shown us that God comes when we least expect it or when we think he has forgotten us.
Joseph in prison in Egypt is the one that comes to mind first, and to go from years of captivity to running a country in a day is only something God could make happen.
That’s why I continue to believe in what has been laid before us because we have the God of the impossible making a way. 

Thank you for your support and prayers and we trust in a new path for LGMS in the coming months. 

We keep going,

Vincent Brown, PGA Professional, LGMS Ambassador to the Tartan Tour