Outreach Event At Mearns Castle

Mearns Castle Golf Course

Our Outreach Event at Mearns Castle was our first to be held at a 9-Hole course which we thought might suit some people not having to play a full 18.
We managed to have 20 attendees, which was the same as Sandyhills last year, but saw some new faces which was encouraging.
I’d asked a couple of friends who I used to go to school with to join my Dad’s team and they were happy to come along. Neither of them had a church background, so it would be interesting to see what they would make of the faith aspect once the day was over. 

Mearns Castle Golf Course

It looked as though we were going to get away with the weather despite a really poor forecast, but light rain came on just as the teams teed off and never really stopped.
It probably just as well it was only 9 holes but it was still well-playable.

After a session with former European Tour winner Alistair Forsyth, everyone got started and I thanked him for spending time with us today. He’s doing a lot of coaching now with not too much playing, but he’s on my list of people to have a 1-to-1 within the near future.

Mearns Castle Driving Range

Mearns Castle kindly offered us a private room for dinner and our talk, and this worked well.
Despite not having a shotgun start, everyone was finished within a half hour of each other and the meals were served quickly to prevent everyone from waiting around too long.
A service that worked well with our numbers and could easily work again with a maximum of 24 attendees. 

Our fellow trustee Ewen Peters gave an introduction to the Ministry along with the reasons why it’s important to have this kind of support for both Professionals and Amateurs.
No matter what level we are at we all need to have our wellbeing supported and most importantly be encouraged.
I then followed on from this speaking mainly about the need for evidence when correcting golf and backing up faith. If we look hard enough then we’ll see what’s right but it’s up to us to look at the evidence and make an informed decision.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the day and I got the chance to speak with a few individuals about my hopes for the future and what the Ministry could look like in a few years from now.
My friends thanked me for the day before they left but didn’t comment on my talk. No doubt they’ll have spoken about it in the car on the way home in some capacity.

Outreach Golf Event

We keep looking forward and another Outreach Event at Falkirk Tryst in August provides another audience for sharing.
Most of the guys who attended Mearns Castle expressed an interest in going to Falkirk so it could be a busy event.
Finally, congratulations to both the Prestwick Teams who finished 1st and 2nd to take the prizes.
A certain Norman Forsythe predicted this and not sure if this was a result of good fortune or prophetic prayer.

“God simply wants us to know the truth about who we are, I’m sure there’s a book that explains all this and it just happens to be the best-selling book ever!” – Anon.

We keep going,

Vincent Brown,
PGA Professional, Logos Golf Ministries Ambassador to the Tartan Tour

To get in touch with Vincent CLICK HERE