Logos at the Deer Park Masters Pro-Am

Logos at Deer-Park Masters Pro-Am

Logos at the Deer Park Masters Pro-Am

After a lengthy period of not playing much competitive golf, I looked forward to playing in the Deer Park Masters two-day ProAm.
It’s a course I enjoy and this format would allow me to meet new faces.

I met up with some Pro colleagues on arrival and it was good to have a general catch-up to see what they’d been up to. I mentioned that I would come and see some of them over the winter, whether for a coffee, lunch or a few holes to see where they were all at and it seemed to be agreeable.

This was my way of speaking it into being and my heart tells me this is the way forward.

I met up with some Pro colleagues on arrival and it was good to have a general catch-up to see what they’d been up to. I mentioned that I would come and see some of them over the winter, whether for a coffee, lunch or a few holes to see where they were all at and it seemed to be agreeable.

This was my way of speaking it into being and my heart tells me this is the way forward.

First day – Round One – Logos at Deer Park Masters Pro-Am

My team on the first day were not regular golfers so I spent most of the round trying to help them with their game which I was happy to do.
I said to all of them at the start what my role was with Logos Golf Ministries Scotland it took till the back 9 for one of the guys to come to me and explain he’d been brought up with a Christian background but fell away.
This gave me a great chance to let him know I did the same thing but after a long time, I accepted the truth. We discussed how there can only be one truth, what the evidence points to and what that means. He seemed to be encouraged.

We were not going to win any prizes but we did have an enjoyable day despite not scoring well and I was glad I could help them all out with golf and other things.

Deer Park Golf Course

Second Day – Round Two – Logos at Deer Park Masters Pro-Am

My team for the second day did not have any faith background and I could sense they did not want to talk about anything like that as there was a wall of silence when I mentioned LGMS.
Normally I get at least one or two questions for the day but there was nothing. They were all decent players and round about my age but had no questions about the faith aspect.

After 6 holes, one of the team spoke to me about how he stopped playing golf for 15 years due to a mental block on how to hit a certain Tee shot.
It was an interesting conversation and what I took from this was it’s easy to make something into a big thing when it doesn’t have to be, and in turn affects our overall decision-making.

I offered the example that it would be easy for me to not play competitive golf any more because I don’t play the way I’d like to, but I still enjoy the challenge of playing and trying to improve, while doing the more important work of LGMS.

We should try to make Golf and Life easier and more enjoyable for us rather than beat ourselves up over it, or worse still, give up. Hopefully, this gave me a different perspective.

We were hit with some real blustery showers during the back 9 and it was a tough finish due to the hole we started on. With a better team performance than yesterday at least we finished under the card. 

We never quite know the difference we make but one thing I truly believe is Faith requires commitment and giving up is not an option. 

“You can trust that God will lead you to the path you are meant to be on”  JH McC

We keep going,

Vincent Brown, PGA Professional, LGMS Ambassador to the Tartan Tour