LGMS at Sandyhills 9th June 2023

Sandyhills Outreach golf day

Logos Golf Ministries Scotland
at Sandyhills 9th June 2023

Outreach Event at Sandyhills

Our first Outreach Event at Sandyhills was met with a warm sunny day, and there was even a light breeze to make it more pleasant. We had 20 Attendees, and despite a few call-offs, this number allowed 5 groups of 4. The half dozen members were mixed in with our groups and most of them were non-Christians.

As in previous years, I got the opportunity to spend time with all the groups on the course. Although I’ve been a member of Sandyhills since 1990, I didn’t really know most of the members as I don’t spend too much time there these days. It was good to meet some of my dad’s golfing buddies and get to know them a bit, and I was pleasantly surprised to see the course and the greens in such decent shape. A bit fiery for my liking, but it allowed the course to play much shorter and simply a result of the dry weather.

We were looked after extremely well by the catering staff and the food is as good as I’ve had in all the years there. I’ve always had a thing about providing a good meal and it rounds the day off nicely when everyone enjoys it. 

Outreach Event at Sandyhills

After our Prize giving I talked to everyone for about 10 minutes combining a bit of golf trivia with the main heart of the gospel. I felt it was important to convey how simple the basics are with both golf and faith and how sometimes if we overcomplicate it just causes problems.
At the end of the day the club head needs to be in a certain position to hit a certain shot and It might take a slightly different path to get there but needs to get there.
The same applies to our faith as we are all different and have different experiences in life to contend with. Our focus has to be God, The Cross, and us as children of God. God wants to bring his children home and the Cross provides the avenue for everyone if they accept it. 

Hopefully, this helped someone to see things a bit differently, and with another Outreach Event at Falkirk in August we encouraged everyone to come along a good day that was enjoyed by all and I would expect this event to grow in numbers.
Many thanks to all for the continued support, and well done to Dad’s team for just winning on a countback!
Was there ever a doubt?

We keep going,

Vincent Brown, PGA Professional, LGMS Ambassador to the Tartan Tour