LGMS Report on 2022 and Plan for 2023

LGMS Report on 2022 and Plan for 2023

LGMS Report on 2022 and Plan for 2023

Logos Golf Ministries Scotland 

Dear Friend and Supporter of LGMS, 

Ministry Update

May l take this opportunity to wish you a good New Year.
The LGMS team pray you will know God’s rich blessing and close presence and protection in the year ahead – and a sense of fulfilment and enjoyment out on the golf course. 

I write to update you on the progress of the ministry. Change is a constant bringing ever-new challenges and opportunities. Our twin purposes, however, remain: 

  • To encourage the game of golf amongst golfers and non-golfers alike, regardless of age, gender, and background; and
  • To promote the relevance of Christian faith and values in the game of golf. 

As a faith-based charity, LGMS is wholly reliant on the generosity of our friends and supporters. So let me first say a heartfelt thank you for all the help and support you provided last season. Without you, literally, nothing could have happened – and we thank God for you! 

Season 2022

Last season brought its own challenges as we emerged from Covid. Under God, we are grateful that a good number of our hopes and plans were realised. The season can be summarised as follows: –

  • Vincent was able to participate in 12 PGA Tartan Tour events.
  • Vincent also organized two mini-competitions for his fellow professionals. Seven PGA professionals participated.

Their response has been encouraging: –

I think it’s great what you are trying to do with the smaller events and actually makes me want to start playing a bit more with the pressure off. It’s also good to catch up.” 
Nigel Scott Smith, PGA Professional.

Thanks for all you are trying to do for us, as well as running extra events. It is very much appreciated.”
Gareth Hardy, Head Professional, Prestwick St Nicholas GC

Other Events

  • Vincent was invited by Sports Chaplaincy to speak at a very well-attended golf event at Malone GC in Northern Ireland.
  • LGMS held our most successful event to date for amateur golfers at Falkirk Tryst GC. Over 40 golfers attended, with a 50:50 split between churched and unchurched golfers. Again, the response from those who attended has been positive and encouraging: –

It was a pleasure to attend the LGMS event at Falkirk Tryst GC: course condition was tip top, excellent golfing camaraderie, and great to be able to support such a worthwhile cause.”
Martin Hughes, Past Captain, Cathkin Braes GC.

“The Logos Golf event at Falkirk Tryst was a wonderful day. Great conversations about faith and life – all whilst enjoying a good course and fine hospitality. Grateful to all who organised it so well!”
Euan McCrindle, Pastor, Every Nation Church, Glasgow.

In summary, as a “salt and light” ministry (Mathew 5 vs.14 &15), LGMS had the opportunity to connect with over 100 individual golfers through these events. Vincent shared his experience of life and faith in a relevant and meaningful way with golfers.
New contacts were made, new relationships were formed, and existing relationships were strengthened and deepened.

Programme for 2023

For the coming season, we anticipate that Vincent will participate in at least another 12 Tartan Tour events and run two more mini-competitions for fellow PGA professionals. God willing, we also hope to run two outreach events for amateur golfers (respectively in the East and West of Scotland) and introduce an inaugural event for junior golfers.

Resources and Funding Requirement for 2023

All charities suffer in the current environment of high inflation. As finances allow, we believe it important that LGMS continues its policy of making our events as attractive, inclusive, and affordable as possible. 

It is a considerable time commitment for Vincent to practice and play on the Tartan Tour and to help organise and participate in other LGMS events (including pastoral follow-up). This also means time away from his wife and family. Vincent has no commercial sponsors: he is wholly reliant on the gifts and donations of supporters, friends, and family. 

For season 2023, we estimate £10,000 will be needed to run our planned programme. To meet this challenge, we again invite your support: please prayerfully consider whether you can support this unique faith-based ministry to golfers in Scotland.

With warm greetings and every blessing from the LGMS team. 

Ewen H. Peters
(0777 260 1172; ehp1@live.co.uk) 

(NB Single one-off donations/gifts can be made by cheque to Logos Golf Ministries Scotland at the address below, or, should you prefer, you can make a one-off or regular donation (monthly, quarterly, or bi-annual) via PayPal on our website. For UK donors paying tax, all your giving can be gift aided. This allows LGMS to claim back from HMRC, 25p for every £1 you donate.)
Registered Office: Rannoch, The Lane, Dullatur, Glasgow G68 0UA, Charity Number: SC050315 

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