Logos Friendly Event

Logos Friendly Event at Deer Park July 22

Logos Friendly Event
at Deer Park July 12th, 2022

Our first Logos Friendly Event of the year was moved to Deer Park and this was combined with a GBTG Tour Event that was suggested by one of my fellow Pros. Westerwood wasn’t quite ready but we felt Deer Park would be a better option given the circumstances. We were also joined by Ken Revie who used to work for Logos Golf Ministries on the European Tour and it was good to have him there.

Deer Park Golf Course
Deer Park Golf Course

In total we had six attend and this is the figure we’re looking for at these more intimate events. I played with the first group and allocated Ken a slot in the second group. I thought this would work well with the guys we had there and I brought my Dad along to caddy as he knew my playing partner well. All of the Pros attending had been to a few Logos events previously.

After a light breakfast, we started quickly and got away before the morning rush so we had the course ahead pretty much to ourselves. I had in my mind that we would have quite a bit to chat about as my playing partner has attended many of our events before and we know each other well, but we were also playing in another event at the same time so the conversation wasn’t that full on. By the time we reached the turn we had discussed the failure of government and society in general, to which I posed the question of what the main problem is these days? We agreed that trust has all but vanished and nobody really trusts anyone anymore. Greed is also a big problem but I also felt lack of faith was key. An interesting topic.

We had a nice day for it and as we finished our back 9 my Dad spoke about my Grandmothers cancer diagnosis and how before she died she always said to her doctors not to worry as she had God on her side and knew where she was going. Not quite sure how that went down as my playing partner has lost someone close and still struggles with it. Not an easy process and treading carefully is important. As we finished our round I was well beaten by a solid round of 1 under from my partner. More short game practise is required!

As we sat down to dinner, we talked about many things from Tartan Tour to European Tour to LIV golf. The boys have a good friendship and at the right moment, I felt it appropriate that Ken should share his involvement with Logos. From what he was doing previously to what he is now doing in Northern Ireland with Sports Chaplaincy. A really good talk with some core gospel truths and I felt it hit the mark. Some of the guys still struggle but a couple are open to it and It was important to keep that in mind.

As we finished our meal and made our way home I know we need to keep these smaller events going as they could be a precursor to a study group for those who are interested. Something to pray about. Many thanks to Mr Revie for his support and presence. 

Next stop, Murrayshall at the end of July.

Yours in Christ,

Vincent Brown, PGA Professional and Logos Golf Ministries Ambassador.