Logos Update January 2024

                                                    January 2024

Dear Friends and Supporters, 

As we look forward to the new season, and all that God has in store for us, we are sending you this update which provides a brief retrospect and prospect on the work of Logos Golf Ministries Scotland (LGMS).

First – a Big Thank You!  

A sincere and heartfelt thank you to you! 

As a Christian charity, LGMS only continues by faith and by your support – the time you have given attending our events, the prayer support you have provided, and the funding we have received and benefitted from. We are deeply grateful and thank God for you. 

We also thank God for Vincent Brown, our LGMS golf ambassador. Without his commitment of time and energy to organise, participate and engage in individual follow-up, there would be no active Christian witness and ministry to golfing professionals on the Tartan Tour here in Scotland.  However, for Vincent, this also means time away from family. This represents a significant opportunity cost. And mindful of this, we are also deeply grateful to Geraldine, Vincent’s wife, for lending Vincent to us. A big thank you to her and all the Brown family, especially Vincent Snr. my fellow Trustee, for all their ongoing help and support which is so necessary, and greatly appreciated. 

Season 2023

Last season we faced the additional challenge of double-digit inflation and a severe cost-of-living crisis. This made fundraising difficult for all charities, small charities in particular – and LGMS was no exception. 

However, the support we received enabled the work of the ministry to continue throughout season 2023: LGMS events brought us into contact with around 100 keen golfers. These occasions, the heart of our ministry, are when new relationships are formed, existing relationships are strengthened and deepened, and fresh expressions of life and faith are shared. This has enabled LGMS to continue to fulfil our calling as a “salt and light” ministry (Matthew 5, vs 14-16), where fellow golfers are front and centre of all we do. 

Under God, our 2023 program comprised the following: – 

  • Vincent participated in seven PGA events.
  • Three LGMS-sponsored mini-competitions were organized by Vincent for his fellow PGA professionals. 
  • In addition to our annual visit to Falkirk Tryst GC, a new LGMS event was held at Sandyhills GC, in Glasgow – and a significant extension of our outreach.

Season 2024

Looking forward to season 2024, Vincent anticipates participating in eight PGA Tartan Tour events as well as running four mini-competitions for fellow PGA Professionals. We also anticipate being able to run three outreach events for amateur golfers. This has the potential to further extend the reach of the ministry beyond the Central Belt to the North East of Scotland.  

In our outline budget, we estimate that £10,000 will be needed to support the shape of the season ahead. The challenge of fund-raising is only greater because of the heightened anxieties and uncertainties of the climate in which we all now live. However, our God is unchanging, and His mercies are new every morning. So, we face the future with no false optimism, but with real faith-filled hope as to what our God will do. 

Be you a new or existing friend and supporter – and God has placed the work of LGMS in 2024 on your heart – please know, be it large or small, your financial support is a coveted blessing which is greatly appreciated – and needed. Most importantly, please continue to pray for LGMS and Vincent and, if you can, make it a regular feature in your prayer diary. Nothing can or will happen without prayer for we believe thereby God alone will give the increase. 

With every blessing from all at LGMS.  

Ewen Peters

Chairman, LGMS. 

 (NB You can donate and support the work of LGMS by making a single one-off gift or a regular donation on a monthly, quarterly or bi-annual basis, and PayPal by visiting the LGMS website (Donate Link). UK donors paying tax can also gift-aid all donations. This allows LGMS to claim back from HMRC, 25p for every £1 you donate.)